Sitemap - 2020 - Avoid Boring People

Avoid Boring People in 2020

Getting better at getting better

Remembering faces

Manet and modernity

Having faith in the Kelly Criterion for angel investing

Tips From 15 Newsletter Writers On How To Build Your Own

Does value add value?

Do companies add value?

Do investment bankers add value?

Who gatekeeps the gatekeepers

Just keep streaming

MTG: Magic: The Gathering and MeTaGaming

More importance you give, less important you get

It only goes up from here

Inception, Nolan, and Notion

Cost of capital in the 21st century

Turn off cruise control

There's more to communities than Facebook goat groups

Often overlooked, process improvement is central to progress

City hunter

When paying for performance doesn't work

Chaos and control

One man's trashy is another man's treasure

Doctor GPT-3

It's turtles all the way down

When it doesn't pay dividends

A story is a lie and a story is true

War of the words

Not everything is insider trading

The next machine learning startup is in your front yard

What's the shape of your belief curve?

Relatively speaking, the billionaire isn't rich

Nobody really knows and we'll have to predict anyway

The salespeople are still selling right now

Food as a service

The marketers aren't marketing right now

Authentic contrarians vs consensus contrarians

How online credentialing will be like organic food labelling

How to get back to better

What will stick and what will not?

We wanted Her, instead we got Tinder

Don't die as a caterpillar

Google Keen beta test and walkthrough

Picasso's new painting perspectives

Fluctuat nec mergitur

Bruce Lee's striking thoughts

Consequences are more important than probabilities

Chinese 60 yr olds love doing dance vids and watching weddings

Wisely and slow, they stumble that run fast

You don't want quality time, you want garbage time

Smartphones are boring, what's next?

Brag about others so they don't need to brag about themselves

Secrets of Sand Hill Road was worth reading for me

Are we as gullible now as we used to be?

Would you cosign your AI chess partner?

The three body (technology) problem

How you can avoid boring people more this weekend

Avoid boring people even more in 2020